The high cost of credit cards

The high cost of credit cards. Do you carry a balance on your credit card? If so, it’s costing you a whole lot more than you think. Today’s video covers the high cost of credit card debt and what it might mean for your retirement.

Are you looking for something different to do with your medical knowledge?

This year on October 22&23 I will have the privilege of being a mentor at the SEAK Non-Clinical Careers for Physicians Conference in Chicago. This is the meeting that sparked the interest in starting my business “Prescription for Financial Success” to help improve the financial and personal lives of doctors all across the nation. It … Read more

The Importance of Having a Mentor

The importance of having a mentor Do you have a mentor? It is important for doctors to establish a mentor relationship with an older doctor who knows the ropes. They can have a big impact on your life when you hit a bump in the road. Today’s video helps explain why.

Even a resident can save for retirement

This week James M. Dahle, MD, The White Coat Investor, published an article in his blog that I penned about my experience of saving for retirement during my residency. It is possible to do so and I was able to save enough before I left my five years of general surgery residency that the account … Read more

Vacations are good for your health

I received an e-mail from a friend with a good idea I hadn’t thought of before. As I sat on the back of the paddle wheel boat, The American Empress, riding up the Columbia River Gorge on vacation with my parents, his email was especially timely. His suggestion was to plan on working two years … Read more

Debt is one stress you don’t need

Has debt got you down? It doesn’t have to be that way. My latest video covers eliminating the stress of debt. Many doctors don’t even notice the stress added by debt until it is gone. Doctors have often been in debt so long they can’t remember what it was like to be debt free. Many … Read more

Time is more valuable than money

Time is more valuable than money Few people budget their money and even fewer budget their time, yet time is more valuable than money. If you mess up your money budget, you can earn some more tomorrow. Time wasted can never be recovered and you don’t have all that much time in your life to … Read more

5 disadvantages of being an employee

Recent trends in the practice of medicine have been shifting from a predominantly private practice model toward an employment model. Many factors are driving this. The popular emphasis on work-life balance has promoted the impression that it’s better as an employee, which is not necessarily true. Skyrocketing debt from training is making doctors reluctant to … Read more

4 disadvantages of owning your practice

Recent trends in the practice of medicine have been shifting from a predominantly private practice model toward an employment model. Many factors are driving this. The popular emphasis on work-life balance has promoted the impression that it’s better as an employee, which is not necessarily true. Skyrocketing debt from training is making doctors reluctant to … Read more