Seven Things that Foster Independence in Medicine

Each July new physicians come out of residency and begin their lives as attendings. Many of them will or have already unwittingly set themselves up to lose their independence. All physicians can just as easily set themselves up for independence.  Independence in medicine is not about being in private practice vs being an employee, although … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 11-21-22

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include how to logically get a grip on debt, physicians are only secure for 90 days, seven simple things to ask yourself before purchasing … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 9-26-22

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include 25 ways to show your spouse respect, contract red flags, what doctors should know about emergency funds, debunking seven myths overheard in the … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 5-23-22

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include eleven tips for getting through the stock market downturn, eight things to negotiate besides salary, living on a cruise ship is cheaper than … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 12-6-21

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include what to do if your retirement plan is a 401(a)/403(b)/457(b), what should physicians ask for in their contract, a collection of articles on … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 6-28-21

Each week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable. Every Monday I would like to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include five ways successful people “Win the Morning,” the importance of disability insurance and how it may … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 10-19-20

Each week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable. Every Monday I would like to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include the right way to think about debt, tips on communicating with your children, defeating the non-compete … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 10-12-20

(It was great fun to be a speaker in the virtual Financial Freedom Through Real Estate Conference last weekend. If you missed it you can click here to get access to the lectures. It’s rewarding to share my experiences to help others become successful real estate investors. Hope you found the experience helpful.) Each week … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 7-20-20

Each week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable. Every Monday I would like to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include the reasons physicians take advantage of other physicians, four red flags in your physician contract, ten … Read more