The biggest breakthrough of the year!

Now and then, life hands us remarkable breakthroughs which offer us a quantum leap forward. Some examples include: passing medical boards, getting married, the birth of a child, or even shipping the first COVID-19 vaccine to the world. I had one such breakthrough the first week of December when I was taking my recertification class … Read more

Everyone is using the 4% rule wrong

Most people who are saving for retirement are familiar with the 4% rule. According to this rule, proposed by William P. Bengen in 1994, and later confirmed by Trinity University in 1998, you can withdraw 4% of your retirement assets the first year of retirement and then increase your withdrawal for inflation each year thereafter. … Read more

Breast Cancer Saved Me from Burnout

It’s October again, which means it is breast cancer awareness month. For me, seeing all the pink on social media is a stark reminder of my brush with the terror of breast cancer. As I was about to scrub into an operation, I got a call from my office manager. She asked if I would … Read more

A Million Dollar Ski Boat Mistake

Forums and Facebook groups abound with a frequently asked question that sounds something like this: “Should we sell our positive cash flow rental to buy (insert fun new toy) so we don’t have to attain a loan?”  When someone wants to buy a new car, boat, or motorhome but they have learned that buying toys … Read more