An Unusual Mission Trip

In December of 2011, I made a career move that changed my life. My life as a surgeon was getting stale. Doing the same old thing for two decades was getting old and I was looking for something to breathe new life into my surgical practice. I decided to look into doing a short term … Read more

What I Wish the Younger Me Knew About Debt

As Christmas approaches, I have begun seeing ads for things our family ‘must’ have this Christmas. Overspending in December is a common problem I often find when I do a financial makeover for doctors. There is a huge push to buy things during the Christmas season, whether they can afford it or not. Those who … Read more

Your Smart Phone is Contributing to Burnout

Burnout and dealing with its symptoms has become a hot topic in the last decade. It’s a problem that has multiple contributing factors. Some of those factors are thrust upon us and are beyond our control, such as government regulations. Other factors are self-imposed, and thus under our control, such as volunteering for extra call … Read more

Managing Your Property Management Company

One of the biggest reasons people don’t want to own investment property is the anticipated hassles of management. If you choose to have a property management company (PMC) care for the day to day operations, you will need to pay attention to how the property is being managed. Too often property owners assume that their … Read more

Salvaging Hurricane Blown Vacation Plans

If you vacation often, you will run into snags. Cancelled flights, lost luggage, sea sickness, motorhome break downs, bad weather, injuries, a family member’s death, forgotten passports, and many other things could waylay your perfect vacation. Since a lot of money is spent on vacations, encountering a complication can be a significant financial loss. I … Read more

Eight Perks of Eliminating My Mortgage

Today, I awoke to the news of a ceremony honoring those who lost their lives in the attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. Most of us can remember where we were when we heard about this tragic event. I was awaken on that Tuesday morning by my clock radio announcing that an airplane … Read more