Fawcett’s Favorites 12-20-21

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include the debt relief scam, the PSLF program waver, lessons from experts on preparing for 2022, five mistakes that can set your retirement account … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 11-22-21

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include a sneak peek at my two lectures for WCICON22 in February, health insurance options for those who are self-employed or retired, a collection … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 10-4-21

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include financial planning is not an emergency, the difference between rich and wealthy, shorting the dollar using real estate, why you should ignore the … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 9-6-21

(Don’t forget to register for the Free Virtual Conference on Financial Freedom Through Real Estate coming this weekend, September 10-12. It is free, but you must register to get the link. Don’t miss me and 20+ other speakers including Brandon Turner from Bigger Pockets. Click HERE to register and learn more.) Each week I run into a … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 7-12-21

Each week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable. Every Monday I would like to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include the unspoken risks of not retiring early, the key to tax-free wealth accumulation, five financial truths … Read more

Here’s Why So Many Doctors are Broke

Most people think doctors are wealthy, even doctors do. Why do they have this perception? Because doctors make a lot of money (top 5%), they are very smart (only the top students get into medical school), they are hardworking (that’s what it takes to get through our training), and they are resilient (otherwise how could … Read more