Fawcett’s Favorites 3-30-20

Every week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable, so each Monday I plan to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include a review of The Doctors Guide to Eliminating Debt (survival prep), six recommended moves for your … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 3-23-20

I would like to give a special thank you to those of you who are on the front lines in the current crisis. I would also like to say I’m sorry for those of you whose hours and income has been cut. This will pass, but we need to get through it first. If you … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 3-16-20

Every week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable, so each Monday I plan to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include what you should know about locum tenens licensing, how a physician becomes a capitalist and not … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 3-9-20

Every week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable, so each Monday I plan to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include a real estate investing book review, a bill of rights for medical residents, the effect of … Read more

Beating the tax man at his own game.

People often complain that their tax refund is smaller this year than last year. A smaller tax refund is not something to complain about, it’s a win! You don’t ever want to have a tax refund. Any time you get a tax refund, it means you made an interest free loan to the government. Why … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 3-2-20

Every week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable, so each Monday I plan to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include the tax planning window in your 60s, common mistakes with estate planning, ways to minimize your … Read more