The Paradox of Our Age

Last July, my wife and I took a three-week motorhome trip from Oregon to South Dakota and back attending two family reunions amongst our travels. We stopped a few days near Glacier National Park in NW Montana where huckleberries are prevalent. We went looking for something that was made with huckleberries and found candy, jam, … Read more

Do You Need a CPA or a Tax Attorney?

Have you ever wondered which would be better for you; a CPA or a Tax Attorney? I know I have had that concern, especially when the IRS contacted me and demanded I pay $60,000 of additional taxes.  I knew my taxes were correct, but how do I fight the IRS so they don’t inappropriately get … Read more

The Trouble with Giving

We have all heard the phrase “It is better to give than to receive.” So, why then do so many people have trouble being generous with their wealth? Why do so many feel they need to spend all of their income to support their lifestyle.  All studies on giving in the last decade hover at … Read more