My Journey to Become Debt Free

(Today’s guest post comes to us from a physician reader who conquered her debt quickly. She writes under the pen name Jbrawley. I hope her story encourages you on your journey to become debt free.) Graduate student debt has become such a common topic of conversation it’s something we almost take for granted. Particularly when … Read more

No, Personal Finance for Doctors is NOT New

I recently read a post where the writer stated something to the effect that no one was teaching financial information to doctors until just recently. That statement is absolutely not true. The real issues were most doctors were not seeking this information until just recently and those doctors who were looking thought the information had … Read more

Four Money Mistakes Almost Everyone is Making

Over the last 32 years I have been following the literature concerning money, investing and debt. In the last few years I started writing about the topic as well as sharing my knowledge with other physicians through one-on-one financial coaching. Through the years I have seen many people make the same mistakes when projecting financial … Read more

5 Lessons I Learned From my Mother

(Today’s guest post comes from Gayle Morris, a nurse practitioner who shares her lessons from mom. I especially like #5.) I never truly appreciated the hard work and effort my mother put into raising us until I became a mother myself. Parents have an incredible responsibility to raise the next generation and I learned many … Read more

Everyone is using the 4% rule wrong

Most people who are saving for retirement are familiar with the 4% rule. According to this rule, proposed by William P. Bengen in 1994, and later confirmed by Trinity University in 1998, you can withdraw 4% of your retirement assets the first year of retirement and then increase your withdrawal for inflation each year thereafter. … Read more