Finding an Unbiased Financial Advisor

We all can use advice from time to time. Sometimes that advice is about personal finances, Investing, or borrowing. When choosing this person, stay away from financial advisors who have a conflict of interest. The advisor who makes money on your investment decisions is like the pharmaceutical rep who is telling you all about his … Read more

Avoid Debtabetic Neuropathy

With a society living on credit, a government deep in debt, eight years of desensitization during training (something unique to doctors), rising tuition, and falling pay—it’s no wonder doctors are having a major problem with debt. Where will it end? Debt has become the norm. Will Rogers summed up this pattern of high consumption on … Read more

Med School Desensitized us to Debt

The high-pitched wail of the pneumatic saw cutting through the tibia and the little bits of tissue the blade flung onto the surgeon’s gown were not enough to get to me the first time I saw a surgery, during my senior year in high school. It was the smell. Sliding down the wall in the … Read more

Balance Is The Key To Becoming Debt Free

All of life is a balancing act. Driving a car is a delicate balance between the gas, the brake, and the steering wheel. Too much brake and we go nowhere. Too much gas and we can’t control the car. Too much left turn and we end up in the ditch. When we attain balance between … Read more

Book Winners

Book drawing winners Recently Dr. Pamela Wible posted a nice article about my new book “The Doctors Guide to Eliminating Debt.” I especially liked the part where she called my wife, Carolyn, a “brilliant accountant.” She discussed her journey with becoming debt free and quitting her “job” by age 36 and you can read it … Read more

Non-Fiction Book of the Year

So excited to return from my travels after a final stop at the Idaho Author and Book awards in Boise. It was a great evening and I was blown away to be honored with three awards for my first book, “The Doctors Guide to Starting Your Practice Right.” (Aloha Publishing) The award I was most … Read more