Travel While You Are Young

Taking Grandma on her dream trip. Many doctors have the dream of traveling the world. But this dream is constantly being postponed by various things that happen throughout our lives. We can’t travel now because of residency, after residency, then we can travel. We can’t travel now because of the new baby, when she goes … Read more

Deciding When to Take Social Security

Aunt Etta And I in Greece. This is a controversial topic that I believe has no controversy for the high-income earner. Beginning to take your Social Security payments before your designated full-retirement age—for me that’s 67—will result in a lower monthly payment. Waiting until later, such as at age 70, will increase your monthly payments, … Read more

Get Your Kicks On Route 66

I officially left clinical medicine on February 20, 2017. Some people call it retirement, others call it a job change, I call it repurposing. Now I’m following a new mission; teaching personal finance and lifestyle balance to high income professionals through books, one-on-one coaching and speaking. I enjoy saving/changing lives in a new way now. … Read more

Is Cutting Coupons Worth the Trouble?

Most of the doctors I’ve encountered who are financially secure at a young age have one thing in common, they are frugal. They are not cheap and I think that is a big distinction. Cheap is buying a particle board dresser for $60 that may not last more than a few years. Frugal is buying … Read more