Should I Pay Off Debt or Invest?

I am frequently asked the following question: “Should I pay off my student loans before I put money aside to invest in the stock market?” The person asking this quick and simple question is looking for a yes or no answer. The problem I am faced with is there is not enough information in the … Read more

New Podcast Interview

New podcast interview Taylor Brana, a fourth year medical student, started a new podcast series on his website He is featuring interviews with happy doctors with the hopes of showing both current doctors and future doctors, that you can still be a happy doctor. I was his subject in today’s podcast. We had a … Read more

Balance Is The Key To Becoming Debt Free

All of life is a balancing act. Driving a car is a delicate balance between the gas, the brake, and the steering wheel. Too much brake and we go nowhere. Too much gas and we can’t control the car. Too much left turn and we end up in the ditch. When we attain balance between … Read more

The Debt-Free Advantage

Being debt-free has many advantages. When you have no debt, you have much less stress. You don’t worry about making the mortgage payment. When the family is going on vacation, you don’t have to stay home and work to keep paying the overhead. When the hospital tells you about the new changes in your contract, … Read more

Book Winners

Book drawing winners Recently Dr. Pamela Wible posted a nice article about my new book “The Doctors Guide to Eliminating Debt.” I especially liked the part where she called my wife, Carolyn, a “brilliant accountant.” She discussed her journey with becoming debt free and quitting her “job” by age 36 and you can read it … Read more

How to make 2017 your happiest year ever.

My favorite movie of all time just happens to be the Christmas movie “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Here we see one man look back and see all the wonderful things that have happened in his life instead of dwelling on the one bad thing that happened recently. How often have we needed to do this? … Read more

9 tips for easing the cost of Christmas

Christmas is coming soon. Many people will be haunted by the presents they give for several months afterwards in the form of credit card bills. It is amazing how much money we Americans spend on Christmas. Many whole industries thrive on the revenue from Christmas sales. There is no reason for you to go into … Read more