Live Your Life Now

Recently I had three important events happen during a three day period that reminded me of the brevity of our life and the need to live life to the fullest every day. On July 4th, having planned celebratory events that day with friends and family, a CRNA in my home town awoke feeling poorly just … Read more

Assessing Your Debt Problem

It’s amazing how frequently I cross paths with doctors who have never taken the time to actually assess where they stand financially. They tend to fall in a few categories; they never thought of it, they don’t want to know, or they feel they just don‘t have the time. When I work one-on-one with doctors … Read more

Do you remember why you became a doctor?

This week KevinMD published an article of mine about finding your ‘why’ in medicine. Below is a small section from the article. What was your “why?” Why did you become a physician? Why do you continue to practice medicine? Why have you not left medicine for another career? It is the answer to these questions … Read more

Declare Independence From Debt

This month America celebrates its independence. As a country, independence is true, but as individuals, many suffer in bondage. The need to “have it now” has led to such consumerism that debt has grown to unbelievable levels. It’s time to declare independence from debt. Debt bondage is not a new thing. Several thousand years ago … Read more

Attaining Marital Financial Bliss

Fawcett Wedding. Before my wife and I got married, 28 years ago during my surgical internship, we were required to attend a pre-marital class. The class brought up many things for us to discuss ahead of the wedding date. The idea being, if you go into the marriage with expectations of each other that you … Read more

Doctor Freedom Podcast

Canal in Greece. The Doctor Freedom Podcast recently interviewed me and we covered some issues about not digging deeper into debt. A large portion of the interview went into my experience in rental real estate. If you would like to hear the 30 min interview you can get it here.