Doctor Freedom Podcast

Canal in Greece. The Doctor Freedom Podcast recently interviewed me and we covered some issues about not digging deeper into debt. A large portion of the interview went into my experience in rental real estate. If you would like to hear the 30 min interview you can get it here.

Finding an Unbiased Financial Advisor

We all can use advice from time to time. Sometimes that advice is about personal finances, Investing, or borrowing. When choosing this person, stay away from financial advisors who have a conflict of interest. The advisor who makes money on your investment decisions is like the pharmaceutical rep who is telling you all about his … Read more

Should I Pay Off Debt or Invest?

I am frequently asked the following question: “Should I pay off my student loans before I put money aside to invest in the stock market?” The person asking this quick and simple question is looking for a yes or no answer. The problem I am faced with is there is not enough information in the … Read more

Cover Your A$$ets

Cover Your A$$ets Insurance is an expensive part of your life. It can be even more expensive if you don’t have the right coverage you need. I found that out the hard way in two insurance losses that hit me for a total of $30,000 and were not covered, thanks to the fine print in … Read more

Even a resident can save for retirement

This week James M. Dahle, MD, The White Coat Investor, published an article in his blog that I penned about my experience of saving for retirement during my residency. It is possible to do so and I was able to save enough before I left my five years of general surgery residency that the account … Read more