Real Estate Investing for Busy Professionals

After taking a little breather from writing books, I’m at it again. Book #4 in The Doctors Guide series will be coming out this fall, titled, The Doctors Guide to Real Estate Investing for Busy Professionals (Who Don’t Think Real Estate is For Them). The book is currently in the hands of test readers and … Read more

How to Get Start Up Capital From Your IRA

(This week we have a guest post from Rick Pendykoski, who helps set up self-directed IRA accounts at Self Directed Retirement Plans, LLC. These accounts have more flexibility as to where you can invest the money than a typical IRA account. You can even invest the money in your new business or real estate venture. … Read more

Buying Gold is NOT Investing

I often hear people talking about their “investment” in gold. Then there are those who have a “diversified portfolio” and gold is one of their forms of diversification. I’ve encountered people who have $60,000 worth of gold bars in their home safe, in case of a major financial crisis. We all see the celebrities pitching … Read more

We lost it all with our McMansion

Those of you who have been following me or have read my book, The Doctors Guide to Starting Your Practice/Career Right, know that I am not a supporter of buying a house right away when you move to a new job. There are many reasons to postpone purchasing a house including; doctors have a fifty … Read more

Three Strategies for Investing During Retirement

(Today’s guest post comes from Joseph Hogue, who is a reader of my blog and a retired economist. He now spends his time with his four websites teaching people about the wonderful world of finance.  He presents some different ways to look at investing during your retired years.)   These three investing strategies will help … Read more