The High Price of Procrastination

An important aspect of productivity is the concept “Do It Now.” When one concludes that a particular thing should be done, the most cost-effective way to get it done is to do it now. But we often do not follow this ideal. Instead we procrastinate until not doing it becomes more painful than doing it.  … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 1-30-23

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include an interview on my latest best-selling book, what gets taxed, date night ideas to keep the romance alive, keeping your retirement savings on … Read more

The Eternal Effects of a Simple Gift

Merry Christmas to all you readers who make my writing efforts meaningful. Every time one of you writes to me saying an article or a book changed your life, you give me a great gift. I would love to give each of my readers a special gift. Continue reading to learn how to receive this … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 11-30-20

Each week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable. Every Monday I would like to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include teaching kids to invest, budgeting myths that hurt your finances, seven daily habits that create wealth, … Read more

Getting More Thank-You’s

(Doximity recently published this article of mine on setting up a local mission clinic. It originally appeared here, but some of you are not on Doximity so, with Doximity’s permission, I have republished it on my site for your reading pleasure) Many physicians would like to use their skills on the mission field, but have a … Read more

An Oregon Gift That Changed the World

Americans do a lot of gift giving, especially at Christmas time. The majority of the gift giving is between friends and family. Too often the gifts end up in the garbage or in storage after a few months. Occasionally, there is a gift that really makes an impact. I want to tell you about one … Read more

9 tips for easing the cost of Christmas

Christmas is coming soon. Many people will be haunted by the presents they give for several months afterwards in the form of credit card bills. It is amazing how much money we Americans spend on Christmas. Many whole industries thrive on the revenue from Christmas sales. There is no reason for you to go into … Read more