Why Don’t Most Americans Have a Will?

Today, as I write this, I sadly read about another celebrity with significant wealth who died without a will. Aretha Franklin left behind an estate worth $80 million with significant future royalties and no instructions for who should receive her fortune. Over the next few years, we will hear about the fighting and legal battles … Read more

Myth: Fixed-Rate Mortgages Are Always Best

(Today’s guest post comes from Doug Adamson from Fulton Mortgage Company, an advertiser on my site. Doug helps doctors leverage their earning potential by getting doctor mortgages with low down payments and no mortgage insurance. I had always been opposed to adjustable rate mortgages, until he showed me this article. Now I can be convinced that … Read more

Tax Surprises My Retirement Year

Upon retiring from clinical medicine and becoming a full time author/coach (I like to say I’m repurposed), I was uncertain as to the amount of taxes I needed to pay. I have a complicated tax return with several K-1s that don’t surface until March. My final return totals 32 pages for federal and 5 pages … Read more

Keep An Eye On Your Advisors

Many doctors don’t want anything to do with investing money. They feel investing is not what they were trained to do and therefore a waste of their valuable time. I think this attitude gets some doctors into trouble. It is true that our time is best spent in our main area of training, but it’s … Read more

Do It Yourself Investing

Have you ever wanted to be your own investment advisor? Have you ever cringed at the fees you are paying for investment advice? Does your investment advisor make more money off your portfolio than you do? Now is your chance to learn what it takes to be your own investment advisor. I have been asked … Read more

Three More Bad Habits for Your Wealth

As a personal finance coach, I have found that the most detrimental aspect to wealth accumulation, is having bad money habits. Good habits create good results, and bad habits create bad results. You were not born with any of your habits, you learned them somewhere along the way. That means you can unlearn the bad … Read more

Do You Have a Ring Fund?

Our wedding rings I just returned from going on a weekend men’s retreat with my oldest son, Brian. We had a nice weekend together and my favorite part was the three hour drive each way. It gave us a chance to talk, which doesn’t happen as often as I’d like since he moved to his … Read more

When Should You Cancel Your Life Insurance?

Firefighters Lost on 9-11 I was recently asked the following question: When is the right time to cancel a life insurance policy? Previously I wrote a blog about how to calculate the right amount of life insurance to purchase. You can read it here. This information is also found in my book “The Doctors Guide … Read more

My new book is here!

First copy of my new book An exciting moment in Hawaii today as I received the first copy of my new book. The lady at the front desk said I shouldn’t be getting mail, I’m on vacation. It made for a happy vacation day. Doctors are having a tough time with debt and it’s getting … Read more