How Much House Can I Afford?

The amount you spend on your house is possibly the most important factor in achieving financial independence and happiness in life. Overspending on the house will leave you with such a big housing bill that you will not have enough money to do all the other things you want to do. This mistake can take … Read more

Five Years Retired from Surgery

Next month marks five years since I turned in my pager and walked out of the hospital to the song 18 wheels and a dozen roses, by Kathy Mattea. I was very reluctant to give up surgery at age 54, trusting that we had enough money saved to meet our needs for the rest of … Read more

My Take on Medscape’s Physician Lifestyle and Happiness Report

(Please join myself and 20+ other doctors this weekend at the Physician Real Estate Investor Network Virtual Conference Jan 21-23. ) Last week I was putting the finishing touches on a lecture I will be doing at the White Coat Investor’s February 9-12 Conference on Physician Wellness and Financial Literacy. The topic: Spending time with your family … Read more

The Cost of Vacationing by Motorhome

(Please join myself and 20+ other doctors at the Physician Real Estate Investor Network Virtual Conference Jan 21-23. ) I am often asked about the cost of owning a motorhome. The concern being the purchase price is high and it only gets eight miles per gallon, so many people automatically assume vacationing in a motorhome is too … Read more

Books I Read in 2021 with Recommendations

(Don’t miss the special book offer discussed below) I am frequently asked to recommend good books to read. Since a friend’s book recommendation is often more rewarding to read than an unknown book, each January I publish the list of books I have read during the previous year. Some are great and some are not. … Read more

Make Life an Adventure in 2022

What will the New Year bring for you? Will you strike out on a great adventure? Will you start the new hobby you have been thinking about? Will you finally lose that last 20 pounds? Or will 2022 be more of the same; living just as you have for the last five or ten years? … Read more

Seven Ways to Boost Your Joy Level

A common thread most of my coaching clients experience is a lack of joy in their life, which is often attributed to a bad working environment: Too much call, too many hours at work, not enough pay, long days, not enough vacation, and too much busy work. But is that a fair assessment? Is it … Read more

Nine Reasons to Love Locum Tenens

Working locum tenens was a life saver for me and my early retirement. It gave me a chance to slow down and ease into the life of leisure. I don’t know how well my early retirement years would have been if I went straight from my 60 hour a week full time general surgery practice, … Read more

A Special Way of Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is a day to step back from our typical day and spend time with our family. A chance to turn off the hustle and bustle of our everyday life and enjoy each other. A moment to reflect on what we are truly thankful for. This thanksgiving I will throw down a simple but effective … Read more