Do You Need a CPA or a Tax Attorney?

Have you ever wondered which would be better for you; a CPA or a Tax Attorney? I know I have had that concern, especially when the IRS contacted me and demanded I pay $60,000 of additional taxes.  I knew my taxes were correct, but how do I fight the IRS so they don’t inappropriately get … Read more

The Great Advantages of Living Debt Free

People are surprised when they learn we have maintained a debt free household for the last twenty years. For many, they realize for the first time, that being debt free is possible. Others think they could never become debt free as their total debt seems overwhelming.  When we first heard the concept of living debt … Read more

Nine Actions Every New Father Should Take

This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. Fathers have the ability to provide great advantages for their children, who arrive in this world totally dependent on their parents. I appreciate all the things my father did for me and wrote about six lessons I learned from my dad in a previous father’s day message. A few … Read more

Here’s Why So Many Doctors are Broke

Most people think doctors are wealthy, even doctors do. Why do they have this perception? Because doctors make a lot of money (top 5%), they are very smart (only the top students get into medical school), they are hardworking (that’s what it takes to get through our training), and they are resilient (otherwise how could … Read more

My Journey to Become Debt Free

(Today’s guest post comes to us from a physician reader who conquered her debt quickly. She writes under the pen name Jbrawley. I hope her story encourages you on your journey to become debt free.) Graduate student debt has become such a common topic of conversation it’s something we almost take for granted. Particularly when … Read more

No, Personal Finance for Doctors is NOT New

I recently read a post where the writer stated something to the effect that no one was teaching financial information to doctors until just recently. That statement is absolutely not true. The real issues were most doctors were not seeking this information until just recently and those doctors who were looking thought the information had … Read more

Four Money Mistakes Almost Everyone is Making

Over the last 32 years I have been following the literature concerning money, investing and debt. In the last few years I started writing about the topic as well as sharing my knowledge with other physicians through one-on-one financial coaching. Through the years I have seen many people make the same mistakes when projecting financial … Read more