Is Cutting Coupons Worth the Trouble?

Most of the doctors I’ve encountered who are financially secure at a young age have one thing in common, they are frugal. They are not cheap and I think that is a big distinction. Cheap is buying a particle board dresser for $60 that may not last more than a few years. Frugal is buying … Read more

9 tips to avoid becoming “House Poor”

My oldest son, Brian, is closing on his first house this month and will be moving into his own place soon. I’m proud to say he used good sense and bought something well within his budget and a bonus was having the appraisal come in significantly higher than his purchase price. Many people make a … Read more

Marrying Dr. Debt

My son recently announced his engagement and started an intense period of wedding planning since the wedding was only three months away. I began to reminisce about my wedding and the planning that led up to the big event, which for me was also a three month engagement. In my case, I was away at … Read more

Would you like to be able to spend Freely?

Nothing messes up a good plan for a balanced financial life more than overspending your income. It’s human nature, but it’s like a siren call luring us to our death—as doctors we spent so many years under financial restraint, when it’s lifted we tend to go overboard. We buy too much house, too many toys, … Read more

Should I Pay Off Debt or Invest?

I am frequently asked the following question: “Should I pay off my student loans before I put money aside to invest in the stock market?” The person asking this quick and simple question is looking for a yes or no answer. The problem I am faced with is there is not enough information in the … Read more

9 tips for easing the cost of Christmas

Christmas is coming soon. Many people will be haunted by the presents they give for several months afterwards in the form of credit card bills. It is amazing how much money we Americans spend on Christmas. Many whole industries thrive on the revenue from Christmas sales. There is no reason for you to go into … Read more

Cover Your A$$ets

Cover Your A$$ets Insurance is an expensive part of your life. It can be even more expensive if you don’t have the right coverage you need. I found that out the hard way in two insurance losses that hit me for a total of $30,000 and were not covered, thanks to the fine print in … Read more

9 Tips for Easing the Cost of Christmas

Christmas is coming soon. Many people will be haunted by the presents they give for several months afterwards in the form of credit card bills. It is amazing how much money we Americans spend on Christmas. Many whole industries thrive on the revenue from Christmas sales. There is no reason for you to go into … Read more