Living the FatFIRE Life

I was recently asked what it was like to live the FatFIRE life (Financial Independence, Retire Early, but not on a skimpy budget). After I told my story, the other person said I was not FatFIRE, I was ObeseFIRE. I began to think about what they were saying and realized I really am living a … Read more

Intergalactic Investing with Spock

I am often asked the question, “Is it better to pay down debt or invest?” It is uncanny how often this question comes up. This question is asked as if those were the only two options to choose from. I never hear, “Should I go on a three week trip to Paris or invest?” “Should … Read more

How I Made $36,000 Using Credit Cards

Back in 2001 we paid off our last personal loan, our home mortgage. At that time, we decided to begin investing in real estate with the money that used to go towards digging us out of our personal debt. Our real estate was held in an LLC and we acquired loans to purchase these properties. … Read more