Becoming One With Your Finances

Last night I read a very interesting article about a woman who just discovered her husband had more money in his 401k than she had is hers while making the same income. They have both been saving for several years, but he had been putting a larger percentage into his plan than she had put … Read more

The Six Most Important Numbers in Personal Finance

(Today I am at the Real Estate & Entrepreneurship Conference for Physicians, in Dallas. If you desire the information presented at this conference, this is your last chance. Click on the link above to attend virtually and avoid the FOMO. The lectures start at 2pm today.) Personal finance is driven by two things, numbers and … Read more

Six Years Retired from Surgery 

This month marks six years since I walked out of the hospital in Lebanon, Oregon, to the song 18 wheels and a dozen roses, by Kathy Mattea, after my final week of locum tenens work. I was reluctant about giving up surgery at age 54, wondering if we had enough passive income and retirement savings … Read more

No, Personal Finance for Doctors is NOT New

I recently read a post where the writer stated something to the effect that no one was teaching financial information to doctors until just recently. That statement is absolutely not true. The real issues were most doctors were not seeking this information until just recently and those doctors who were looking thought the information had … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 9-28-20

(There are only three days left to take advantage of the special offer on The Doctors Course to Automating Your Real Estate Investing. This offer ends this Wednesday at midnight Pacific time.) (Don’t miss my lecture in this year’s Financial Freedom Through Real Estate Virtual Conference October 9-11. I will be sharing my secret sauce … Read more

Three Strategies for Investing During Retirement

(Today’s guest post comes from Joseph Hogue, who is a reader of my blog and a retired economist. He now spends his time with his four websites teaching people about the wonderful world of finance.  He presents some different ways to look at investing during your retired years.)   These three investing strategies will help … Read more