Don’t Eliminate Fun When You Get Busy

(Don’t miss my ESI Millionaire Interview 299) The fun things we do in life, such as hobbies and spending time with family and friends, are the things that help keep us mentally fit and happy. Yet when we get busy, these are the first things we eliminate from our schedule.  It’s no wonder we burn out … Read more

Books I Read in 2020

(Are you still kicking around the idea of one-on-one High Performance Coaching with me this winter? If so, better get off the fence, as time is almost out, the spots are almost gone.) Many people have asked what books I have read recently. Since I have been keeping track of the books I read for … Read more

A Million Dollar Ski Boat Mistake

Forums and Facebook groups abound with a frequently asked question that sounds something like this: “Should we sell our positive cash flow rental to buy (insert fun new toy) so we don’t have to attain a loan?”  When someone wants to buy a new car, boat, or motorhome but they have learned that buying toys … Read more

The Gift that Changed my Life

We have all received many gifts throughout our lifetime. Most are long gone and forgotten, but a few gifts stand out as favorites. As kids we are given so many toys that we don’t even remember most of them. As we get older, practical gifts like ties and socks are given. Sometimes people don’t know … Read more

Living the FIRE Life in my RV

Many people are blogging about FIRE (Financial Independence/Retire Early). Most of them write from the prospective of a goal they want to reach someday. I write from the other side, having already attained financial independence and retired from my medical practice. Although there are those who would say I haven’t retired yet since I’m still … Read more