Always Invest – Never Speculate

When I attend a meeting on investing for physicians, I am surprised at how often a deal is offered that is pure speculation, and not a solid investment. My track record on making good returns from speculating is abysmal. But I have seldom lost money when I chose a solid investment. That begs the question … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 6-21-21

Each week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable. Every Monday I would like to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include tips for starting a real estate side hustle, how much passive income does it take to … Read more

How I Knew it was Time to Retire

Many people have asked me how I knew it was the right time to retire. They are struggling with the decision and are afraid to pull the trigger too soon. Retiring from medicine is almost a final move as it is very difficult to return after being away for a period of time. I haven’t … Read more

Everyone is using the 4% rule wrong

Most people who are saving for retirement are familiar with the 4% rule. According to this rule, proposed by William P. Bengen in 1994, and later confirmed by Trinity University in 1998, you can withdraw 4% of your retirement assets the first year of retirement and then increase your withdrawal for inflation each year thereafter. … Read more

A Million Dollar Ski Boat Mistake

Forums and Facebook groups abound with a frequently asked question that sounds something like this: “Should we sell our positive cash flow rental to buy (insert fun new toy) so we don’t have to attain a loan?”  When someone wants to buy a new car, boat, or motorhome but they have learned that buying toys … Read more