Why Don’t Most Americans Have a Will?

Today, as I write this, I sadly read about another celebrity with significant wealth who died without a will. Aretha Franklin left behind an estate worth $80 million with significant future royalties and no instructions for who should receive her fortune. Over the next few years, we will hear about the fighting and legal battles … Read more

Time for Mid-Year Resolutions?

We all get caught up in the New Year sentimentality on January 1st; the ability to have a fresh start and wipe the slate clean. Which translates into starting over in some areas of our lives. So we make our New Year’s Resolutions, hoping that this year our lives will change for the better. We … Read more

Getting The Most From Your Timeshare

Last week I talked about who should own a timeshare. If you are among those I was describing, then the following tips will be helpful to squeeze the most value out of your purchase. If you want even more tips and tricks for using your timeshare, pick up a copy of my best selling book, … Read more

How I Became a Gold Medalist

Getting accolades for your hard work, whether it was a successfully completed difficult surgery, a beautifully weeded flower bed or writing a best-selling book is very honoring. Last month two atta boys came my way. I was honored to receive two gold medals from the North American Book Awards. My third book, The Doctors Guide … Read more

Smart Career Alternatives for Radiologists

(A  few weeks ago Jeffrey T. Wade, M.D contacted me after reading my book, The Doctors Guide to Smart Career Alternatives and Retirement. He thanked me for writing the book and told me that he found the book both informative and enjoyable. He also felt many of my career alternative examples were not directed at radiologists … Read more