We lost it all with our McMansion

Those of you who have been following me or have read my book, The Doctors Guide to Starting Your Practice/Career Right, know that I am not a supporter of buying a house right away when you move to a new job. There are many reasons to postpone purchasing a house including; doctors have a fifty … Read more

Success is Not Measured by Income

Too many doctors today believe that their income is what determines their level of success. This is a fallacy that is hurting way too many doctors. We hear things like “Become a specialist so you can make the big bucks” or “Now that I’m an attending, I can afford the payments on a new Tesla” … Read more

The Gift that Changed my Life

We have all received many gifts throughout our lifetime. Most are long gone and forgotten, but a few gifts stand out as favorites. As kids we are given so many toys that we don’t even remember most of them. As we get older, practical gifts like ties and socks are given. Sometimes people don’t know … Read more

My Burnout Recovery Plan Worked!

(Today’s guest post comes to us from England. I met Dr. Nikki Ramskill in Orlando at a conference we both attended, FINCON18. She went through a tough time as an OB/GYN specialist and burnout caused her to take some time off in 2015. She decided to go back into training and switch to a less … Read more

Your Smart Phone is Contributing to Burnout

Burnout and dealing with its symptoms has become a hot topic in the last decade. It’s a problem that has multiple contributing factors. Some of those factors are thrust upon us and are beyond our control, such as government regulations. Other factors are self-imposed, and thus under our control, such as volunteering for extra call … Read more

Why Don’t Most Americans Have a Will?

Today, as I write this, I sadly read about another celebrity with significant wealth who died without a will. Aretha Franklin left behind an estate worth $80 million with significant future royalties and no instructions for who should receive her fortune. Over the next few years, we will hear about the fighting and legal battles … Read more

Finally Reaching the Top

How often do we face a physical or mental feat that we’ve always wanted to do, but never seemed to be able to complete successfully? I had a physical feat that I wanted to do my entire life, and this year, at age 56, I finally succeeded. I can still picture my junior high gym … Read more