Fawcett’s Favorites 5-1-23

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include fixing your job when you don’t like it, ten harsh money lessons you didn’t learn in school, beginner investing tips for success and … Read more

Understanding the Backdoor Roth IRA

A backdoor Roth IRA is a great additional retirement savings plan for high earning professionals. Since I get many questions on how to make a backdoor Roth IRA contribution, I thought it would be good to help set the record straight and explain the Backdoor Roth IRA rules and answer the common questions that confuse … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 1-16-23

(My wife and I will soon be enjoying our timeshare on a three week snow birding vacation in the Texas cities of San Antonio, Austin, and Galveston. If you live in or near any of these cities (Houston?) and would like to join us for a meet up, contact me, we’d love to meet you.) … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 1-9-23

(My wife and I will soon be enjoying our timeshare on a three week snow birding vacation in the Texas cities of San Antonio, Austin, and Galveston. If you live in or near any of these cities (Houston?) and would like to join us for a meet up, contact me, we’d love to meet you.) … Read more

My Year End Financial Housekeeping Routine

I have a routine that I undergo each December to be sure the year ends well financially. With the December 31st deadline approaching I don’t want to miss any of the things that must be completed before year-end. There are many things to consider and I don’t do everything that people talk about doing at … Read more

Six Common Tax Mistakes Physicians Make

Today’s guest post comes to us from Arsalan Ashraf, CPA. Arsalan is the owner of Ashraf Advisory, providing tax preparation, tax planning, payroll and bookkeeping services to physicians all over the United States. You will find Ashraf Advisory on my recommended list of Tax Services. If you are looking for top notch tax advice, contact … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 8-1-22

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include a new study showing how much exercise we really need, the FIRE community’s greatest flaw, when it’s better to choose Roth accounts, why … Read more