My Solo Practitioner Spouse Died Unexpectedly

My Solo Practitioner Spouse Died Unexpectedly (Today’s guest post comes from the wife of a solo practitioner whose unexpected death came at a relatively young age. Her story reminds us how unpredictable life is and the importance of planning ahead. She prefers to tell her story anonymously.) I missed a phone call one day while … Read more

Saying Your Final Goodbye to a Parent

This holiday season had a more somber tone than usual for us. My wife’s father, Ken Nordling, passed away the day after Christmas, two days before his 88th birthday. This marks the first parent we have lost and the first time we were directly involved with planning a burial and memorial service. I didn’t realize … Read more

Cover Your A$$ets

Cover Your A$$ets Insurance is an expensive part of your life. It can be even more expensive if you don’t have the right coverage you need. I found that out the hard way in two insurance losses that hit me for a total of $30,000 and were not covered, thanks to the fine print in … Read more