Four Things I Wish I Knew as a Young Physician

As years go by, we learn many lessons from the school of hard knocks. Although some of these lessons we could have learned from someone who had previously learned the lesson, such as don’t grab an electric fence. If we learn from someone else’s experience, we won’t get the hard knocks that come with learning … Read more

Acey’s Last Christmas

Raising a family of six in the early 1950s as a farm hand in the little town of Crows Landing, California, was a backbreaking task. Sixteen-hour days at a very low wage made it difficult for Orshal Brown to provide for his family. But difficulty never prevented my grandfather from getting the job done. When … Read more

Balancing Family and Entrepreneurship: How to Start a Business While Raising a Family

(Today’s guest post come from Aaron Smith who works with 1Heart Franchise, providing senior care services. This is especially important for my coaching clients who wish to venture out and start their own private medical practice.) If you’re considering starting a business — opening up a private practice, starting your first law firm, or venturing … Read more

Out of the Job POT and into the Side Gig FIRE

I recently attended two in person conferences that discussed attaining side gig success. One was for financial internet influencers and the other was for real estate investors. I noticed an alarming trend. Many who have become successful with their side gig have not escaped the problems they were striving for their side gig to solve. … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 10-31-22

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include what does success look like for you, ways to connect with your family, how to bribe your kids to do what you want, … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 9-5-22

Every week I find a few great articles I feel are especially valuable. Following are this week’s best. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This week’s favorites include quiet quitting in medicine, balancing your career will decrease burnout, how to stop spending money and save instead, will the stock market derail … Read more

The #1 Cause of Unhappiness at Work

Many people are unhappy with their job. For many of them it shows up as burnout. Others just don’t like what they do and want to do something else. This unhappiness has sparked the recent popularity of side gigs: Something you do other than your main job to make extra money to eventually leave your … Read more