How is a doctor to find a job?

This is the time of year when residents in their final year of training begin to search out that perfect job. You should have taken the time to figure out what that perfect job looks like and where it will be and now the search begins. What follows are several ideas that you may find … Read more

The Importance of Having a Mentor

The importance of having a mentor Do you have a mentor? It is important for doctors to establish a mentor relationship with an older doctor who knows the ropes. They can have a big impact on your life when you hit a bump in the road. Today’s video helps explain why.

Even a resident can save for retirement

This week James M. Dahle, MD, The White Coat Investor, published an article in his blog that I penned about my experience of saving for retirement during my residency. It is possible to do so and I was able to save enough before I left my five years of general surgery residency that the account … Read more

What is the true cost of clutter?

What is the true cost of clutter? How much of your day is wasted by clutter? How much of your life has been lost looking for something buried somewhere on your desk? How many projects have you started only to get sidetracked by something you saw nearby? There are already enough distractions around you without … Read more

6 Advantages of Being an Employee

Recent trends in the practice of medicine have been shifting from a predominantly private practice model toward an employment model. Many factors are driving this. The popular emphasis on work-life balance has promoted the impression that it’s better as an employee, which is not necessarily true. Skyrocketing debt from training is making doctors reluctant to … Read more

Advantages of owning your practice

Recent trends in the practice of medicine have been shifting from a predominantly private practice model toward an employment model. Many factors are driving this. The popular emphasis on work-life balance has promoted the impression that it’s better as an employee, which is not necessarily true. Skyrocketing debt from training is making doctors reluctant to … Read more

Regain control of your daily schedule

The healthcare industry has a never-ending supply of people who want your time. You can literally work 24/7 if you don’t set some boundaries. Most jobs have a fixed start and stop time, but not yours. You must set the start and stop time. Every day, several people will call the office and ask to … Read more

Even a Busy Doctor Needs Exercise

One of the early items sacrificed by the time-crunched doctor is exercise. You must purposely put this in your schedule or it will not happen. You are forever suggesting your patients get more exercise, but do you do it yourself? Practice what you preach. Exercise is an important part of your well-being. It gives you … Read more