How Much Do Fee-Only Financial Advisors Typically Charge?

(Today’s guest post comes to you from David Rosenstrock, who is a certified financial planner with an MBA and the Founder of Wharton Wealth Planning, LLC.) Most people want to help ensure that the financial advice they receive is unbiased and truly in their best interest. A financial advisor’s compensation structure can make a significant difference … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 7-27-20

Each week I run into a few articles that I feel are especially valuable. Every Monday I would like to share some of the best with you, my readers. I hope you find them helpful. This week’s favorites include a surgeon’s struggle with the loss of his legs, how much does a financial advisor cost, … Read more

A Closer Look at Fee Only Financial Advisors

(Today’s guest post comes from my friend Ryan Inman of Physician Wealth Services. You may know him from his Financial Residency Podcast. There are two types of fee only financial advisors: Flat Fee and Assets Under Management. My preference is for the flat fee advisor, and Ryan is one of those. If you need to … Read more

Finding an Unbiased Financial Advisor

We all can use advice from time to time. Sometimes that advice is about personal finances, Investing, or borrowing. When choosing this person, stay away from financial advisors who have a conflict of interest. The advisor who makes money on your investment decisions is like the pharmaceutical rep who is telling you all about his … Read more