It’s the little things that set us off.
Sometimes it’s the little things that seem to irritate us most. What’s irritating you? If you have been irritable lately, maybe today’s video will help.
Sometimes it’s the little things that seem to irritate us most. What’s irritating you? If you have been irritable lately, maybe today’s video will help.
Today’s Tuesday’s tip video is about the importance of getting enough sleep. More information about this is available in my book The Doctors Guide to Starting Your Practice Right available at Aloha Publishing and Amazon. Hope you enjoy it.
Having a hobby can keep you sane. It is very important to have something fun to do outside your profession. My latest video tip addresses this need.
One of the early items sacrificed by the time-crunched doctor is exercise. You must purposely put this in your schedule or it will not happen. You are forever suggesting your patients get more exercise, but do you do it yourself? Practice what you preach. Exercise is an important part of your well-being. It gives you … Read more
Happy Father’s Day Today is Father’s Day, a time to remember those great times you had with your father. My father, Jim Fawcett, was always there to watch my games when I was playing school sports. There would be forty kids playing in a junior high football game and maybe only 8 fathers would be … Read more