Benefits of Working Half-Time

When I reached financial independence at age 50 I didn’t retire as planned. Instead, I started working less hours and eventually switched to working about half-time, as I still liked operating, just not at the pace I had been working. I stayed at half-time for about three years and then dropped to quarter time for … Read more

Nine Actions Every New Father Should Take

This weekend we celebrate Father’s Day. Fathers have the ability to provide great advantages for their children, who arrive in this world totally dependent on their parents. I appreciate all the things my father did for me and wrote about six lessons I learned from my dad in a previous father’s day message. A few … Read more

Here’s Why So Many Doctors are Broke

Most people think doctors are wealthy, even doctors do. Why do they have this perception? Because doctors make a lot of money (top 5%), they are very smart (only the top students get into medical school), they are hardworking (that’s what it takes to get through our training), and they are resilient (otherwise how could … Read more