The Gift that Changed my Life

We have all received many gifts throughout our lifetime. Most are long gone and forgotten, but a few gifts stand out as favorites. As kids we are given so many toys that we don’t even remember most of them. As we get older, practical gifts like ties and socks are given. Sometimes people don’t know … Read more

My Burnout Recovery Plan Worked!

(Today’s guest post comes to us from England. I met Dr. Nikki Ramskill in Orlando at a conference we both attended, FINCON18. She went through a tough time as an OB/GYN specialist and burnout caused her to take some time off in 2015. She decided to go back into training and switch to a less … Read more

A Smile Can Change Everything

Recently, a mutual friend introduced me to Dr. Rich Castellano, the smile doctor. That chance encounter has changed my life for the better. Within minutes of speaking to Dr. Castellano on the phone, I could tell why he is called the smile doctor. I could not see his face, but I could “hear” and “feel” … Read more

Debt is one stress you don’t need

Has debt got you down? It doesn’t have to be that way. My latest video covers eliminating the stress of debt. Many doctors don’t even notice the stress added by debt until it is gone. Doctors have often been in debt so long they can’t remember what it was like to be debt free. Many … Read more