Seven Things that Foster Independence in Medicine

Each July new physicians come out of residency and begin their lives as attendings. Many of them will or have already unwittingly set themselves up to lose their independence. All physicians can just as easily set themselves up for independence.  Independence in medicine is not about being in private practice vs being an employee, although … Read more

How Much Do Fee-Only Financial Advisors Typically Charge?

(Today’s guest post comes to you from David Rosenstrock, who is a certified financial planner with an MBA and the Founder of Wharton Wealth Planning, LLC.) Most people want to help ensure that the financial advice they receive is unbiased and truly in their best interest. A financial advisor’s compensation structure can make a significant difference … Read more

Fawcett’s Favorites 1-29-24

As I encounter information I feel is especially valuable, I like to pass it on to my readers. The following are a few recent gems I discovered. I hope you find them as useful as I did. This episode of Fawcett’s Favorites includes why you should take social security as early as possible, even physicians … Read more

Taylor Swift is not a Billionaire

(Want to meet me in person and attend my live lectures? Then please join me at the White Coat Investor’s Financial Literacy and Wellness Conference, February 5-8, 2024, in Orlando, Florida. I will be giving two lectures at this amazing conference where I have been a speaker multiple times in the past. If you have some … Read more

Beware of Predators who are after Your Money

Predators who wish to shovel money from your pocket to theirs are everywhere. Some are using outright illegal scams, such as the letter informing you of the $10M you have inherited from a long lost relative in Nigeria. Others use means that are not technically illegal but are very shady.  The following are two such … Read more