Becoming debt free is not about sacrifice
If you have always associated becoming debt free with undergoing great sacrifice, this video is for you. Becoming debt free is all about attitude, not sacrifice. Hope you enjoy.
If you have always associated becoming debt free with undergoing great sacrifice, this video is for you. Becoming debt free is all about attitude, not sacrifice. Hope you enjoy.
This week’s video contains an interesting story about how I got sued without ever knowing about it and why it is important for you to have an umbrella policy. Hope you find it helpful.
So excited to return from my travels after a final stop at the Idaho Author and Book awards in Boise. It was a great evening and I was blown away to be honored with three awards for my first book, “The Doctors Guide to Starting Your Practice Right.” (Aloha Publishing) The award I was most … Read more
My new book, The Doctors Guide to Eliminating Debt, is now available on Amazon in both paperback and Ebook form. Thanks to all of you who participated in this project. My hope is to change attitudes about debt all over the country. You don’t have to live under the bondage of debt. You can find … Read more
Have you ever found yourself packing work to take on your vacation? I caught myself doing just that a few weeks ago as I was packing to go to Hawaii for two weeks. I realized a lot of us face that same problem. We have so much to do that we even cram it into … Read more
Every practice has its bad patients and there is no reason to keep them around. In today’s video I talk about getting rid of them to improve your office moral. Turkeys are only good for Thanksgiving. If they show up in your practice, dump the turkeys.
An Exciting announcement! Today I learned I will be honored with three awards in the state of Idaho on November 1st for my book “The Doctors Guide to Starting Your Practice Right” (Aloha publishing). This is an exciting honor. It’s a happy day when someone acknowledges all the hard work you put into a project. … Read more
First copy of my new book An exciting moment in Hawaii today as I received the first copy of my new book. The lady at the front desk said I shouldn’t be getting mail, I’m on vacation. It made for a happy vacation day. Doctors are having a tough time with debt and it’s getting … Read more
Take a vacation after residency. When residency ends, you will be tired and stressed out. It has been a long haul. You have finished something great. Reward yourself with a nice long vacation before hitting the next phase of your life. Once you begin working, you may never have this opportunity again to take an … Read more
The high cost of credit cards. Do you carry a balance on your credit card? If so, it’s costing you a whole lot more than you think. Today’s video covers the high cost of credit card debt and what it might mean for your retirement.