What Happens When We Believe We Have Enough Money

(Keep an eye out for my upcoming book The Doctors Guide to Finding Joy in Your Work. We can all use a little more joy in our lives and this book will help attain it.) Money is a lot like oxygen. When we have enough, we don’t think about it. When we feel we do not have enough, we can’t stop thinking about it. Imagine a … Read more

Financial Dogma that Keeps Us Broke

Why do so many physicians complain about not having enough money?  Almost every physician’s earnings are in the top 10% of income earners in the country. Yet we feel broke, even those who make $600k a year. The median household income in the United States is about $75k. The average physician’s income is more than … Read more

Ten Financial Mistakes Doctors Make

Physicians go through extensive training to become doctors bringing in a high income. Unfortunately, they have no training in how to manage all that money. Consequently, we make a lot of money mistakes.  I have taught personal finance for the last three decades. It has been both fun and rewarding, especially when someone finally realizes … Read more

Seven Things that Foster Independence in Medicine

Each July new physicians come out of residency and begin their lives as attendings. Many of them will or have already unwittingly set themselves up to lose their independence. All physicians can just as easily set themselves up for independence.  Independence in medicine is not about being in private practice vs being an employee, although … Read more

Four Things I Wish I Knew as a Young Physician

As years go by, we learn many lessons from the school of hard knocks. Although some of these lessons we could have learned from someone who had previously learned the lesson, such as don’t grab an electric fence. If we learn from someone else’s experience, we won’t get the hard knocks that come with learning … Read more