What Age Should Physicians Retire?

(The photo with this article is the view I have as I write this from a timeshare resort in Escondido, California. I couldn’t travel as much if I was still working.) I’m a physician who retired from medicine early, based on most people’s thinking. But at what age is retirement early? The Social Security department … Read more

Dump These Money Myths Immediately

There are many misconceptions about money and money principles floating around. Most of the time when someone contacts me for help with their finances, there is a financial principle they are not using, or they have fallen prey to a myth that is hurting their family. Some myths are perpetuated by those who would like … Read more

What Happens When We Believe We Have Enough Money

(Keep an eye out for my upcoming book The Doctors Guide to Finding Joy in Your Work, coming March 11th on Amazon. We can all use a little more joy in our lives and this book will help attain it.) Money is a lot like oxygen. When we have enough, we don’t think about it. When we feel we do not have enough, we can’t stop … Read more

2024 Year End Financial Tasks

As another year ends, there are a few tasks we should all consider completing.  Some of the tasks have penalties assessed if they are not completed on time and others just lead to a lost opportunity if the deadline is missed. I missed a big opportunity the year I retired when I didn’t realize my … Read more

Financial Dogma that Keeps Us Broke

Why do so many physicians complain about not having enough money?  Almost every physician’s earnings are in the top 10% of income earners in the country. Yet we feel broke, even those who make $600k a year. The median household income in the United States is about $75k. The average physician’s income is more than … Read more

Ten Financial Mistakes Doctors Make

Physicians go through extensive training to become doctors bringing in a high income. Unfortunately, they have no training in how to manage all that money. Consequently, we make a lot of money mistakes.  I have taught personal finance for the last three decades. It has been both fun and rewarding, especially when someone finally realizes … Read more

Becoming One With Your Finances

Last night I read a very interesting article about a woman who just discovered her husband had more money in his 401k than she had is hers while making the same income. They have both been saving for several years, but he had been putting a larger percentage into his plan than she had put … Read more