Book Review of Smart Career Alternatives and Retirement

Book Review of Smart Career Alternatives and Retirement

The Physician on FIRE did a nice review of my latest book, The Doctors Guide to Smart Career Alternatives and Retirement. You can read his full review here.

He has also reviewed my other books on Eliminating Debt and Starting Your Practice Right.

My third guide book in the series was designed for the doctor who feels a change is needed, either a different type of practice, a full career change, or full retirement. All of these options are covered in The Doctors Guide to Smart Career Alternatives and Retirement.

Some comments from this nice review:

“I first considered early retirement a few years ago. I’ve spent the past several years contemplating what would come next. The author is wise to suggest you do the same.”

“I liked how he was able to weave a personal story into the web of more generalized recommendations.”

“His aversion to debt is loud and clear, and I agree with him here. There’s no sense going into retirement with ongoing financial obligations that require a steady income.”

“As he’s done in his other books, Dr. Fawcett uses both theoretical examples mixed with stories of real people including himself to illustrate the lessons he’s conveying. He goes into an appropriate level of detail on most subjects and often gives references for more complete study for those with a deeper level of interest.”

If you are ready to make a significant change in your practice of medicine, don’t do it without first reading this book. I would hate for you to have made a change, without considering all the options, and then have regrets later on.

Get your copy of The Doctors Guide to Smart Career Alternatives and Retirement today. After all, you will leave medicine at some point in your life and this book will help make it a smooth transition.

If you would like to see more of what a FIRE (Financial independence, Retired Early) life is like, you can like my Facebook page which is right now following me along on my 31 day cruise of South America and The Amazon River.

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